Hidden Prayer In Ablinia
Alicia Jie Hye Lee
Genre : Romance Environmental Fiction
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About a lone lady
far away beautiful island
prayers toward nature live
normal peaceful life then
Ablinia age 21 . . prayer . . beneath its palm tree . . ' My God I Believe . . ' without . . doubt . . pray for Ulhecia Island . . its villagers their welfare . . without . . hesitance . . pray for pure incessant . . sun air sea land . . like right now . . Ablinia has a dark straight hair below waist . . tanned little face pure naturally wide eyes . . natural little nose red full shaped lips . . has red heart tattoo on right pelvis belly . . tank top white layered ruffle dress above knee . . made with a tree inward bark . . both necklace and bracelet . . made with clam shell . . Ulhecia was filled . . with plentiful sea animals . . additionally . . it is said history tells there are abundant full of gold treasure within its Lihlince Mountain which nobody yet has discovered . . beautiful weather filled with . . sun clear refreshable sky . . waterfall pure heaven like on its beautiful island . . it was beautiful paradise . . In Ulhecia . . 31 people resides . . 4 family . . Ablinia resided in Ulheicia with her Aunt Ehlnian and adopted boy Flriehn partly deaf where Ablinia uncle discovered him stranded severely injured at beach several weeks before . . however . . after Flriehn was rescued sadly uncle passed away due to unexpected sea accident . . Ablinia lived alone in a little tent nest next to Ehlnian Flriehn right in front of its beautiful wavy beach . . another family lived nearby as well . . There were endangered animal . . BFFs of Ablinia . . named respectively . . turtley . . whaleyn . . puppilh . . birdulh . . Ablinia lived with them since they were little . . Ablinia together surf paddle dive in water together toward its deep sea to search for unknowns . . they together . . pray . .
Ablinia ever since little . . has been told randomly . . by its village people a custom of Ulhecia . . Ablinia frequently was told . . about custom which were ill natured not to be disclosed . . about custom not be unrevealed not to be ever inquired . . yet without choice Ablinia knew about it . . yet . . has been constantly told . . not . . to tell for its safety of Ulhecia . . yet ever since it was given away . . felt different for Ablinia . . since custom told . . it was strictly prohibited . . for any island people pass clamline which was placed beyond their territory . . it is said that its outside line . . is a risky unsafe locale where certain lands were full of disease ill minded people . . tremendously polluted water coast due to . . uncontrollable waste that are thrown away by those who can . . Innocent people that are treated inhumanely without care where their life is treated similar to a remained corpse where at my home Ulhecia even our dead is treated with heartfelt respect pondered Ablinia . . and ever since in continuance these disturbed and fearful custom were said and conveyed . . there were not days after nights Ablinia . . did not feel hurt whenever looked silently at their faraway line . . beyond its faded horizon . . repeatedly assured not to pass its line even near . . despite unseen . . because within heart Ablinia have always believed truly of its legend of Ulhecia that has root enlightened by their well ancestor . .
Ablinia turtley & puppilh . . at a beautiful afternoon . . searched for clam for . . various traditional necklace bracelet . . evaded tainted materials since . . it was vastly spread a lot of tainted marine substances are rapidly flown from other continents . . Ablinia wandered nearby beach then abruptly head to a narrow cliff . . briefly played natural flute called out faraway whaleyn . . however unexpectedly caught a sudden noise . . interrupted . . Ablinia astonish waited awhile . . no change to wane . . a few second passed the noise gradually disappeared . . gratifiedly again Ablinia hollered without disturbance yet concerned . . while pass of several minutes felt worries permeate . . Ablinia abruptly hailed after perceived its cheerful tail . . Ablinia then right away looked above illuminated sky . . despite a few clouds were hung beneath it . . birdulh was located gently flyn to Ablinia tent . . blissful about that . . Ablinia rushed down peacefully while gazed at horizon . . then . . from afar saw Flhrein . . Ablinia dashed toward home where spotted Flhrein pull out a pirogue . . cautiously did . . Ablinia help drag pirogue toward its sea part . . which revealed an unusual state that has not ever happened prior to now . . they repeatedly pulled dragged . . till reached adjacent shore . . Ablinia is gonna head out faraway sea little beyond their line to find make sure the large quantity of marine debris is cleared because . . currently it seemed these debris are in gradual process to approach threaten ulhecis island . . Flhrein began to unload its surface of pirogue . . carefully hauled it . . until hit wavy frontsea thereafter hastily gestured Ablinia . . however abruptly sensed abnormal faint chill which was sent from a very far side of nowhere . . couldnt affect our area . . got on surfboard Ablinia . . paddled then cried let's . . Flhrein rowed its pirogue . . guided by four bffs head toward unguarded water . .
Ablinia . . toward farthest sea . . beautiful pure skyzone horizon . . clear view lowest water . . despite . . the abnormal faint chill . . Ablinia Flhrein puppilh turtley birdulh whaleyn . . together gradually head straight at their clam line . . abruptly . . did from far gas darken erupt then recede . . a numbed Ablinia . . wornly after saw this . . Cried out slow down then Gazed at . . this gas darken . . tragic . . a rather absentminded Ablinia cautiously halted pole surfboard . . afterwards looked ways beyond the faint where water wet preferred joyable area of nearby pleasant ulheicia island . . despite . . unpredictable worries permeate . . yet though agonized feel . . unhaltedly persisted Ablinia . . paddled through . . rough . . lowly filled layer . . beside four . . bffs . . an hour flew . . felt alarmed chill . . Ablinia . . thereafter . . with astonish glimpsed . . taint dread water . . Ablinia then perceived deadly cryout from Flhrein . . Ablinia . . then located Flhrein row . . desperately his quivery pirogue . . within attempted full balance . . wave pass huge flow . .
I yes gratify peaceful
because my lecture work continue after finalized soon
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